This month in our Social Skills Training Program, we are focusing on the topic of Thinking of Others. It’s was a perfect fit for both Mother’s Day and upcoming Father’s Day.
Underlying Principle:
1) Giving a gift that is homemade is a special treat. It is a “thinking of others” gesture. 2) Families come in different shapes and sizes. Some have two homes, some have two moms or two dads or just one parent. 3) Giving a compliment can make others happy.
Activities Include:
For the Love of Mom/Dad:
Help the child brainstorm about what mom/dad might want as a gift for Mother’s or Father’s Day. Have client think about what his/her parents like and what makes them happy. This helps the child practice thinking of what others like and that we all have personal preferences and like to be thought about by others.
Happy Helpers:
Mom and Dad love when children help out around the house, help with a younger sibling, or even just take care of themselves. We work with the child to a make a list of the things she/he can do to help and turn it into coupons or a card that she/he can give on Mother’s or Father’s Day, such as taking out the garbage, walking the dog, folding the laundry, etc.
Thoughtful Words:
Have the child make a card for someone special. Help the child write something nice or thank the person for all they do.
Just a few of the activities in store for this month.