I Think of You, You Think of Me!

Our Social Skills program will highlight the theme of I Think of You, You Think of Me this month.

Underlying Principle:
Our goal is to teach the “why behind the doing.” In every social situation we have opportunities to think of others by being social detectives and figuring out why they do or say the things they do. Interestingly, others are doing the same to us!

Targeted Skills:
Perspective-taking, whole body listening, respond to social cues, modifying behaviors.

Sample Activities:

Being a Social Detective
This requires clients to assess a situation by using their eyes to observe what is going on, use their ears to hear what people are saying or the sounds around them, and use their brain to put all that information together and think about what they should do.

Our Eyes are like Arrows
When we think about all the important tools our brain uses to figure out the social world, our eyes are one of the most important. We will create opportunities for our clients to identify what the person is thinking about by drawing their eyes looking at one object at a time. For clients who may need more support, we will assist them by drawing arrows to indicate where the eyes are looking

Saying This or That
This activity helps build on a client’s ability to assess a situation and perspective-taking. We will provide clients with examples of expected and unexpected phrases and have them choose what the better option is.

These are just a few examples of what our Social Skills team will be working on in May!