The theme this month in our Social Skills Training Program is Social Smarts: Using Our Social Smarts Everywhere We Go.
Underlying Principle:
Everyone has something they are good at, which we can refer to as “smarts.” While some people have really good technology smarts, others may have “smarts” in other areas. However, when we interact with others, we all use our social smarts for others having good thoughts about us.
Targeted Skills: Perspective-taking, expected behaviors, social awareness
Some of our Activities:
Discussion: Talk about how you would use your social smarts in the following places:
– At dinner with your family
– In the car driving with your family or others
– Sitting in a classroom at school
– Walking in the halls at school
– Playing or hanging out with someone during recess or lunch
Being a Social Detective:
Being a social detective involves using our eyes, ears, and brain! At home, in the community, or any other location, practice using all three tools and figure out what is happening around you.
Four Steps of Perspective Taking:
Teach or review the four steps involved in taking others’ perspective.
Stay tuned for our new theme in April.