November Theme is Giving Thanks

Our Social Skills Training Program is highlighting the theme of “Gratitude Turns What We Have into Enough” this November.

Underlying Principle:

This year has been a very difficult one. Many of our opportunities for socialization and entertainment have been limited due to the pandemic. We all have experienced loss is some form. As we wait for the world to work its way back to normal, it is more important than ever to reflect on the positive aspects of our life and to show gratitude for all that we have. When we show gratitude, it makes what we have enough.

Targeted Skills: 

Expected/Unexpected Behaviors (Social Rules), Thinking of others, Expressive Language

Sample of Activities:

Conversation Based

  • Gratitude conversation Maze: The participants will role a dice or spin a spinner to make their way through the conversation board. The goal is to start a conversation with others based on the pre-determined question. Whomever asks the question will also answer the question. Whomever reaches the end first, wins!
  • Gratitude Scavenger Hunt: Participants will find items from the list provided and then discuss those items.

Role Play Scenarios

  • Giving Thanks: Our specialist and the client will write a list of what they are thankful for and will include the reasons they are  thankful for each other. Share the list with each other and the family. This activity can also be done verbally.
  • Giving Back: Discuss ways we can give back. Let the client share how he/she would like to give back to others. This is a great opportunity to step into other people’s shoes and be aware of and grateful for the things that we have.


  • Thanksgiving Scattegories – Use an alphabet dice or a letter generator and a timer. Take turns rolling the dice which will determine the letter for all the players for the first category list only. Players will have thirty seconds to come up with an answer that starts with that letter. For example, if the player rolls a C and the first category is a Thanksgiving Day side, one answer could be cranberries. Your answers can also be more than one word. The most creative answer, as voted by the group get a point. The players should complete all three lists which a different letter for each list. Whomever has the most points at the end of the game wins.

These are just a few of the activities we will be featuring this month. We wish everyone a safe and very Happy Thanksgiving!