Easter Week Fun at CBC Education!

We are celebrating Easter Week with activities in each of our therapy rooms.  Every fun activity focuses on a specific skill that we will target.

The Easter Bunny will also be stopping by so keep a look out for him!

Below is an outline of the games we will be featuring and the skills these games will highlight.

Blue Room – Don’t drop the egg!
Let see how you fast you can hold an egg without dropping it. You will stand behind the start line with a shovel, place a colored egg on it, walk steadily to the other side of the room, and put it in the corresponding colored bucket. The first person to put 3 eggs into the correct buckets, is the winner!

Skills: Turn taking, sportsmanship, problem solving.

Red Room – Where’s the bunny’s tail and carrot?
Pin the tail on the bunny and find the stem to the carrot (two sets). Make sure all pieces are placed back before leaving the room.

Skills: Requesting for help, eye contact, initiating conversation.

Green Room – How many egg shells can you stack?
Careful! The eggs are slippery. How high can you stack these egg shells? The sky is the limit! Show us your amazing stacking skills.

Skills: Turn taking, waiting for a turn, Cooperative Play.

Yellow Room – Where did the bunny go?
There will be foot steps all over the floor. Trace the steps to see where the bunny has been. Find 3 bunny eggs and you have successfully traced the bunny’s steps!

Skills: Requesting for help, problem solving, Cooperative Play.

Orange Room – Arts & Crafts (Easter bag, bunny crown, bunny mask, & more!)
Feeling crafty? Come in and color your own easter bag (for client to take home), make a crown/mask with your client. Afterwards, take a picture (1 per client) in the lobby!

Skills: Sharing, Cooperative Play.

We will be posting photos so stay tuned as the week goes on!  We invite your comments or questions below.