February Theme

Our Social Skills Training Program will focus on the Friendliness of February as the theme this month.

We may not be able to form new relationships due to the current situation, but we can keep a positive attitude and talk about our expectations. What can we do to work towards forming a relationship? We will practice/roleplay during our sessions. Our specialists will talk about what it means to be friendly. What are traits/behaviors that we do that will either let others see us as friendly or not friendly? We will encourage our clients to consider how they want to be perceived by those around them such as their family, peers in zoom classes, our sessions, while playing online games. What can they do to give others these thoughts and be seen as friendly? The activities this month will focus on skills that can help our clients be seen as friendly towards their family, peers, friends, and those around them.

Here are a few of the activities:

Friendly Greetings & Goodbyes
Discuss and role play using various greetings. Discuss how some greetings can also lead to small talk. We will provide a film clip from the Pets movie to see the various ways the characters greet, engage in small talk, and say goodbye.

Communication Building with Family
During the session we will demonstrate and encourage families to practice active listening. Communication is more than talking to one another. We need to really think about what the person feels about what they are saying. Here is an exercise to try:

1) Sit down in a quiet place where there will be no interruptions.
2) Each person needs a pen and a piece of paper.
3) Write down three things you like about the other person on your piece of paper and three things you would change.
4) After you both are done, take the time to agree that you will both try your best to listen when the other person is talking, without interruptions, and that you will give the other person your undivided attention. Also agree that you both will do your best to react respectfully in the discussion without becoming defensive, angry, or judgmental. Remember: this is an exercise to strengthen communication skills.
5) Take turns discussing what you both wrote down.

Family/Peers “Celebrities”

Here we will encourage the clients to think and show interest in others. The client will take the role of a paparazzi or reporter. They will do a report to find out as much as they can from the celebrity (parents, siblings, you during session to practice). Have them first consider questions they can ask the person. Some ideas for questions can be:

1. Favorite colors
2. Favorite foods
3. What makes them happy
4. What makes them sad
5. What’s their biggest fear
6. Funniest memory
7. Pet peeves

We hope you enjoy a wonderful Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year this month!