San Gabriel Therapy Rooms Renovated

We have updated all of the Floortime therapy rooms in our San Gabriel center over the past couple of months. Thank you to our wonderful staff for their hard work putting everything together for our clients.

Here is an outline of each room by name and color along with brief descriptions of what our clients will learn.

The Craft Corner (Mint): initiate play, share with others, being assertive, joining with other’s ideas

Learning Through Touch and Sight (Lavender): explore different textures by touch, engage in parallel play, express intentions

Cooperative Space (Pink): be flexible, solve problems, follow game rules, interact with others

The Zen Zone (Blue): self-regulate, be in a quiet environment, calm our senses

Team Building (Yellow): take turns, create activities with others, show interest in others

Imagination Station (Orange): be aware of those around us, initiate interactions, demonstrate protest appropriately

Exploring Different Adventures (Grey): reciprocate interaction, initiate ideas, communicate/express intentions

Gymnasium (Sage): engage in cooperative play, wait our turn, problem solve with others, maintain personal space

Exit Room (Green): reflect on our day/session, learn to wait, engage with others

Here’s a quick slideshow video of some of the rooms. We hope you love the changes and we are always striving to make improvements for our families.