September Themes SSTP and Floortime

This month in our Social Skills Training Program we are featuring activities centered around the theme of  Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes. This includes considering other’s thoughts and accepting differences in perception. The targeted skill is perspective taking. Examples of some of the activities are:

  • Describe a scenario and have each person draw a scene from the perspective of a specific character.
  • Role swap – role play different scenarios. Teachers learn, and students teach.  Each person should try and act and do as the other would do.
  • The Squiggle – give each person a paper with a squiggle on it and have them create a picture by expanding on the squiggle. Compare pictures and have them explain how/why they ended up with their creation. This will teach individuals how our brains perceive and interpret information differently.

In our Floortime program, we are continuing our focus on Back to School.

  • Children draw pictures of their favorite things to do at school.
  • Children can bring their backpack and do a show and tell of their favorite’s things.

If you have any comments or questions, please enter them below.