Starting 2023 on a Positive Note

The theme for January in our Social Skills Program is how to start the new year on a positive note.

As the new year begins, we naturally reflect on the previous year and use what we have learned in order to continue growing and set new goals. We will use January to assist our clients in utilizing a growth mindset to work on their own goals. With a growth mindset, we embrace challenges, we learn from feedback, we give our best effort, and we grow from our hard work.

Sample Activities

Discussion Time

This is a chance for our clients to share some of their memorable moments from last year and what made those times special. How can we make more memories like that in the new year?

Positivity – Be Kind to Yourself

We will discuss the emotions we may experience when we face challenges, such as feeling upset and defeated. Explain how challenges can lead to negative emotions and that is okay. However, we now want to face those challenges by using our positive thinking. Clients will choose positive words they can use to grow and empower them when facing challenges.

Inner Critic vs Inner Coach

When trying or learning new things, it’s okay for us to not succeed right away. Learning new things requires time and practice…and knowing how to cope. We will assist our clients to complete the Inner Critic and the Inner Coach worksheets to help them deal with their feelings when encountering a problem.

We are excited about all the wonderful things we can all learn in 2023!